Kavi rattan memorial lecture organized


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Mar 27:
J&K academy of art, culture and languages today hold Kavi rattan memorial lecture here at K.L. Saigal Hall, Cultural academy complex Jammu. Dr. Aziz Hajini, Secretary Jammu and Kashmir academy of art X culture and languages while welcoming he expressed his congratulations to the theatre fraternity on the occasion of world theatre day said theatre in Jammu has become very vibrant ever before as the academy has organized number of festivals including Nukkad Theatre festival/series, Annual drama festival, Dogri Theatre festival and District Drama festival. He expressed hope that theatre in Jammu and Kahmir province as well is expected to be more vibrant as this year 22 theatre groups of the district Jammu shown their participation. He further said that in order to alleviate theatre especially in the Jammu and Kashmir region, the production cost and the award money has been risen from rupees thirty to fifty thousand besides the award money for the individuals in acting and the technical esteems have also been enhanced from rupees. 1000 to rupees. 5000/ besides the fee of nukkad natak has been fixed as rupees 1500/- which was earlier not in the academy ‘remuneration rules.


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