Khushi Dubey, who garnered immense love and stardom with the Disney+ Hotstar original web-series Aashiqana, is all set for her new show on Sony Entertainment Television. The actress, who has explored multiple mediums from TV to films (she was a part of movies as a child artist), recently opened up about her fan-love for Shah Rukh Khan and Ranveer Singh and also hinted at her relationship with her co-star Zayn Ibad Khan in an exclusive interview with Bollywood Hungama.During the Rapid Fire, as Khushi Dubey excitedly gave answers for questions being thrown towards her, she was asked about the one celebrity she would like to go on a date with. And the actress promptly responded, “Zayn, of course”. Khushi Dubey, who has been a part of films like Dil Dhadakne Do and Ankahee as a child actor, won hearts as Chikki Sharma in the web-series Aashiqana. The actress is currently prepping for TV show Jubilee Talks, which will also star Abhishek Bajaj.