Kim Jong Un picks 25 pretty virgin Korean girls every year for his ‘pleasure squad’: Report


Chandigarh, May 03
North Korean defector and human rights activist has alleged how North Korea’s Kim Jong Un selected 25 virgin girls every year to join his “Pleasure Squad”.Yeonmi Park claimed that the women were picked on the basis of their looks and political loyalty.As per a report in Mirror, Park claimed that she was selected twice for this creepy service but didn’t make it due to her “family status”.
She said: “They visit every classroom and even go to schoolyards in case they missed someone that was pretty.
“Once they find some pretty girls, the first thing they do is check their family and political status. They eliminate any girls with family members who have escaped from North Korea, or have relatives in South Korea or other countries.”The process then involves a medical examination to confirm their virginity. Those who pass this stage face another rigorous medical check, where minor imperfections, like tiny scars anywhere on the body, could lead to disqualification, reports the Daily Star.
This intense scrutiny leads to the selection of “just a handful of girls from all around North Korea”, who are then transferred to Pyongyang. Once selected, says Park, these girls’ sole purpose becomes pleasing the dictator.
The late North Korean leader Kim Jong-II believed that “having sexual intimacy with young teenage girls would give him immortality”.
He died from a massive heart attack in 2011 at the age of 70. Kim Jong-Il devised the idea of this “pleasure squad” in the 1970s, Park explained.In 1983, Kim Jong-Il created a second “Joy Division” for his own use. Park said that the makeup of the pleasure squad has changed over the years because all three men had a different taste in women.
She continued: “Kim Il-Sung had more traditional taste in women, because he was older, so he had his own group called Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble. Kim Jong-Il had his own pleasure squad called Wangjaesan Light Music Band.
“Their body types were a bit different. Kim Jong-Il preferred women taller than 160cm [about 5’2”] not that tall because Kim Jong-Il was very short. “She says that the women the older Kim picked tended to be quite round-faced.”

Kim Jong-un tends to select more “slender” women for his personal entourage and favours taller, more “Western-looking” women.

“There are rumours that his wife was originally in the Pleasure Squad,” Park added.


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