Kohli conducts public, Karyakarta darbar


Shadow Correspondent
Minister for Animal and Sheep Husbandry & MLA from Kalakote Constituency, Abdul Ghani Kohli conducted open darbar for party activists and general public to address their issues at BJP Headquarter, Trikuta Nagar.
Kohli during the darbar, said that BJP both at the Centre under the leadership of PM Narendra Modi as well as coalition partner in the State is committed to the welfare of public, while working rigorously on the agenda of development. The Mantra of BJP is “Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikaas” and the party is committed to mitigate the problems faced by public.
Deputations from all the regions of the state visited state office to discuss and present their issues before the Minister. Deputations mainly hailed from the regions like Mendhar, Surankote, Poonch and Kalakote. They raised the issues like water scarcity, difficult rains, road connectivity, fodder scarcity, water tanks. Several other issues related to the animal husbandry and agriculture were also raised during the interaction session. People also presented their queries related to various government sponsored welfare schemes.
Minister sorted out many of their problems on the spot telephonically by taking them with the competent authority and forwarded the others to concerned departments with written instructions for their quick disposal.
The programme was coordinated by BJP State secretary & State in charge election related matters, Rajinder Sharma and Additional Office Secretary, Suresh Sharma.


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