Bollywood actor Kriti Sanon recently revealed the emotional and physical toll of promoting multiple films back-to-back, recounting a breakdown she experienced during the promotional tour for her film Bhediya. Speaking candidly on Ranveer Allahbadia’s podcast, Kriti described the challenges of the rigorous schedule and its impact on her mental health. “Promotions can be very tiring. I almost had a breakdown when I was promoting Bhediya,” Kriti shared. The actor explained that she had already been promoting two or three other films that year, leading to an overwhelming schedule. “While promoting Bhediya, we were traveling to different cities back-to-back. We even took a charter at night, jumping cities, sleeping at night, going to another city, doing interviews, and repeating the same things again and again,” she said.Speaking of the professional front, Kriti Sanon’s latest project, Do Patti, marked a milestone in her career. Released on Netflix, the film not only showcased her acting prowess but also her debut as a producer. The film featured Kriti in a double role for the first time.