KVK Doda organizes field day on mustard crop


Shadow Correspondent
Krishi Vigyan Kendra SKUAST-J, Doda conducted field day on mustard crop at village Rounda in which farmers and farm women of the village covered under Front Line Demonstrations on mustard crop and fellow farmers participated.
The programme was aimed at to popularize the performance of technological interventions on mustard crop promoted through Front Line Demonstrations laid out in the village during Rabi 2017-18. The programme was held under the guidance of Dr RK Arora, Associate Director Extension (KVKs) Directorate of Extension, SKUAST Jammu and was organized by Dr AS Charak, Dr Narinder Paul and Dr GN Jha scientists of KVK Doda.
The field day was held in the mustard field of progressive farmers of the village who apprised the farmers about the technologies adopted by him under Front Line Demonstrations laid out in his field under the guidance of team of scientists from KVK Doda.
Farmers shared their experience that resulted into good crop even during the dry spell during the season and motivated the fellow farmers to adopt the scientific cultivation of the mustard crop by using improved variety, proper seed rate, proper spacing, appropriate fertilizers doses and proper plant protection measures for maximization of the production and productivity.


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