KVK Samba celebrated Field Day on Barseem


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, May 2:
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Samba under the administrative control of Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology-Jammu (SKUAST-J) organised field day on Chickpea crop at village Rajpura, Block Rajpura in Samba district of J&K under the aegis of Directorate of Extension, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu. More than 45 farmers, progressive farmers as well as beneficiaries has actively attend the programme. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Samba has laid Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) on Barseem crop in said village and farmers of the area were highly satisfied by the performance of Barseem Crop and demanded the said seed for next season also.
Dr.Vinod Gupta, Sr.Scientist and Head of KVK, Sambainitiated the programme with the role of Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) and their importance. He was happy with the farmers for their good efforts in production of Barseem crop and requested them to promote this variety at large scale in their area. He stressed upon the importance of organising the importance of field day of the potential variety against the farmers locally used varities. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Gupta briefed about the importance of field day on Barseem crop in the village and its impact on the adjoining villages. Dr. Sanjay Khajuria insisted upon the farmers to promote Barseem Crop in large scale in adjoining villages so that they can also fetch a good profit from this Crop as its yield potential is 380 quintals of green fodder per acre. He disclosed that Barseem Crop is a fast growing, high quality forage that is mainly cut and fed as green chopped forage. It is mixed with grasses generally rye grass or with a winter cereal crop such s oats to make a high quality Silage. Dr Khajuria also informed that Barseem is highly nutritious , succulent and palatable forage for all types of livestock and is very helpful during the lean period.
Dr.A.K.Sinha, laid emphasis on the use of improved agricultural implements like rotavator, disc plough, M.B.Plough for efficient field operations and saving the time and cost of tillage operations. The team of scientists elaborated in detail about the technological operations involved in Barseem Crop. They motivated the farmers so that they can fetch more profit by growing Barseem at commercial level as it is in great demand now a days. On field results of Barseem crop were also demonstrated to the farmers and the farmers were satisfied after observing the results. In this programme, various queries were made by the farmers which were replied on the spot. In this programme, Panches, progressive farmers of the area has actively participated. Farmers shared their experiences about the Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) on Barseem crop and appreciated the KVK Samba efforts to disseminate the new agricultural technologies to the farmers for their benefit.


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