Lieutenant Governor advises Secretaries to work with utmost commitment for public welfare


Srinagar, Oct 31:
Lieutenant Governor Girish Chandra Murmu held a meeting with all the Administrative Secretaries and the senior most Officers of the Civil Administration at the Civil Secretariat here during his first visit to the Civil Secretariat after he took over as Lieutenant Governor of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir earlier today. BVR Subrahmanyam, Chief Secretary, during the meeting, introduced Lieutenant Governor with the Secretaries. The Secretaries briefed the Lieutenant Governor about the functioning of their respective departments. Lieutenant Governor discussed about the health care infrastructure and functioning of 108 ambulance service in J&K; need for focus on exploring renewable energy
Lieutenant Governor
resources to meet gap between demand and supply of electricity; ongoing activities for tourism promotion, providing boost to the agriculture and its allied sectors; to-date position regarding stocking and supply of food and other essential commodities to meet requirement for the winter season. He directed the Secretaries to ensure prompt and efficient delivery of public services to the people. Lieutenant Governor stressed for optimum and timely utilisation of all available resources, particularly the funds available under the various Centrally Sponsored Schemes so that all the benefits reach the targeted population. He advised Secretaries to work with complete transparency, sincerity and utmost commitment for the public welfare and sought their co-operation in leading J&K towards path of peace and prosperity.


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