Lilly Singh’s late night show to air in India from September 21


She is the first India-origin person to host a late night show on the US television, and YouTube star Lilly Singh is excited that people of her home country will be able to watch her on air from September 21.The show, titled A Little Late With Lilly Singh, will be airing on Star World India.Lilly, who is popular as Superwoman among her fans across the globe, shared the news on Instagram.“India, What’s Good? I’ll tell you what’s good. Since day one of @latewithlilly I emphasized the importance of my show being available in the mother land. And I’m happy to announce that starting September 21 at 8 pm #LateWithLilly will be airing on @StarWorldIndia.“Thank you for your continuous support. I appreciate you so so much. And now… we work on the rest of the world. Where do you want to see my show next?” she posted on Instagram along side a picture of her on the sets of the show sitting right next to the Indian flag displayed on a screen.India-origin American actor Mindy Kaling was the first guest on Lilly’s talk show, which premiered in the US on September 16 as a replacement for Last Call with Carson Daly.Soon after episode one, the show scored a prime time special at NBC, that will feature celebrities like Christina Aguilera, Tony Hale, This Is Us stars Mandy Moore and Milo Ventimiglia and Kenan Thompson.


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