Madhuparamhans Ji Maharaj of Sahib Bandgi, while delighting the Sangat with the nectar of his satsang at Sungal


Shadow Correpsondent
Jammu, Apr 28:
Sadguru Shri Madhuparamhans Ji Maharaj of Sahib Bandgi, while delighting the Sangat with the nectar of his satsang at Sungal Road, Akhnoor, said that today crime has come among those who do devotion and those who do it. Their lifestyle has gone very wrong. Whoever is searching for happiness in this world is not on the right path. Because there is no happiness in the world.
There is a lot of wealth in devotion. That’s why everyone is involved in it. Everyone is following the words of Kabir Sahib. Kabir Sahib had already said that sects will run in my name. Khichdi became devotion. Keeping Kabir Sahib in front, people are speaking about their own Sagun and Nirgun devotion.
He thought that if he accepted Sahib directly, he would be called a Kabir panthi. Therefore, give your material and put Kabir Sahib’s stamp on it. In this way various sects were born. Then many preachers also get involved.
I am reminded of what Socrates said. Said not to go where the people of the world are moving like a crowd. Wherever people stop you from going, tell you not to go there, you must go there. Go and see for yourself what is the matter.
Criticism is satisfaction. You have no greater well-wisher than a detractor. The work that my preachers and my satsangi could not do even in 100 years, my detractors have done. Therefore do not be afraid of condemnation. The saints understood this condemnation. In a very short time we spread all over the world.
Sahib ji said that a great man is altruistic. He always wants the welfare of the world. Doesn’t want wealth. Even great sinners have it. You should also have a feeling of altruism. One who directs even one soul towards true devotion gets results equal to the donation of crores of cows.


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