Madhuparamhans Ji Maharaj of Sahib Bandgi, while enthralling the devotees from all parts of the country at Satwari


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Apr, 21
Sadhguru Shri Madhuparamhans Ji Maharaj of Sahib Bandgi, while enthralling the devotees from all parts of the country at Satwari Chowk, School Ground, with the nectar of his sermons, said that whatever body you go into in the dream, the consciousness gets reduced.
But consider it to be true. But when we go into deep sleep the consciousness reduces 1000 times. It is a game of status. Even after waking up, he does not regain consciousness for some time. In this way, if an ant, animal, bird, tree enters any body, it considers that body as true. But when we go into Turiya state, our consciousness increases 1000 times. One also gets the power to create the universe.
When the soul reaches the immortal world and returns to its original form, the light of 16 suns enters it. There was a time when I didn’t eat, drink or even breathe. But you don’t do this. Your work is getting done automatically.
Sahib ji further said that you are in the middle. On one side there is Niranjan, on the other side there is Sahib.
It’s your choice where to go. Niranjan spoke to Kabir Sahib and said that if you use strength, not a single living being will remain in the world. All the truth will go away. But then your words will be cut off. I have been given the kingdom of 17 innumerable Chaudari Yugas of this universe. Leave some souls for me too.
It will take only a moment for the Supreme Person to free all the souls from this world and take them back to where they came from. But doing so will cut off his words.
Kabir Sahib also thought the same thing. When due to Niranjan’s trap no living being was listening to Sahib, then Sahib thought that after eliminating Niranjan, he will take all the living beings with him. But then the thought came that the Supreme Lord has given the kingdom of this world. That word cannot be cut. This is where the problem lies.
After the name, the game is in your court. Now the mind is understanding you. Earlier I used to get whatever I wanted done, but now I am not able to get it done. You have control over your mind. But don’t slack off.
The power of name has come within you. Further the entire matter was handed over to the Guru.
Earlier Niranjan was 90 percent dominant.
You had 10 percent control. Your mind might have made you commit such mistakes that you would feel ashamed even remembering them. But now its strength is not working. You have full stretch on both sides. You are at such a point that from one side there is the pull of Satya Purush’s strength and from the other side there is the pull of Niranjan’s strength. Why Did you do this.
If a true man wants, he will pull everyone. Said to keep it in the middle. If he wants, he can come to us, if he wants, he can come to you. Niranjan wants you to make some such mistakes. But am not able to get it done.
The hypnotism of the mind is not working on you. That means you have already won a big bet.
That is why it is said that the name should be true, then the Guru should also be true. Many gurus are giving names.
There are a lot of names. But the teacher should also be truthful. Who will give the name of true Guru. This is the condition. Otherwise it will be a fake name and it will not work. Then if you are also truthful then you will go to that country.
Whatever I had to give you, I have given it along with your name. There is nothing to give now. Now you have to become Gurumukh. Satsang is to strengthen you.


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