Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit recently took her fans by surprise as she was spotted enjoying a ride in a brand new Ferrari 296 GTS with her husband, Dr. Shriram Nene. The couple, known for their strong bond and love for the finer things in life, showcased their latest luxury acquisition, a sleek, powerful Ferrari, on social media, sharing glimpses of their exciting ride.The Ferrari 296 GTS, a stunning piece of engineering, caught the attention of car enthusiasts and fans alike. Known for its impressive performance and stylish design, the Ferrari 296 GTS comes with a 2992 cc engine, offering a thrilling driving experience. Available in 14 different color options, the car can be customized to reflect the owner’s personality and style.Madhuri and Shriram, who have been married for over two decades, continue to share moments of togetherness with their followers on social media. The actress, who has always been active in sharing her family moments, posted the video of her ride in the Ferrari, expressing her excitement. “A fun ride with my partner in crime,” she captioned the post, showing off her enthusiasm for the luxurious new addition to their collection.