Surrounded by family and close friends, Bollywood’s star couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone exchanged wedding vows in Italy on Wednesday, and the first of the two ceremonies was completely in traditional Konkani Brahmin style — all the guests on the bride’s side, and even the Italian servers attending to the guests, wore the traditional clothing of the Mangalore region, from where Deepika’s family comes.At the time of going to press, the couple’s second wedding ceremony — Anand Karaj, as per Ranveer’s family faith — was to be held at the Lake Como venue.For her first big day, Deepika opted for a Sabyasachi Mukherjee creation: a red and gold traditional sari. Ranveer wore the traditional mundu. The four-hour wedding ceremony began with Deepika walking towards the mandap flanked by her cousins, as classical singer Shubha Mudgal gave a live performance.Talking about the ceremony, a source close to the couple shares, “The priest had been flown down from Mangalore.