“Meet an eminent women personality programme organized “


Shadow Correspondent
Smt. Shanti Gupta Center for women studies,MIER College of Education (Autonomous) organized a programme”Meet an eminent women personality”.Prof Neerja Mattoo- a reputed academician, author, and social activist of J&K State was invited to share her experiences with the faculty and students.
Monika Rathore coordinator center for women studies formally welcomed the gathering and introduced the speaker as an expert in English literature who has many acclaimed works of translations (from Kashmiri to English) to her credit. Apart from her contributions to anthologies, and academic journals name of Prof Mattoo’s authored books were also shared with the audience such as “Stranger behind me”, Katha -stories for Kashmir etc. She also shared the fact that center takes immense pride in recognizing women in different spheres of activity and highlight their achievements in different fields which has been a long tradition of the center.
“NukkadNataks” were performed in honour of Prof Neerja Mattooon very contemporary themes in the society such as “RishvatKhori band karo”, and “NokJhonk”.Both the plays engrossed the audience with the wonderful display of dialogues and act and the message of stopping discrimination against women was conveyed clearly which was highly appreciated by one and all. Prof. Rita Jitender was also invited on the occasion to initiate interaction with the Prof.Neerja Mattoo as she happens to be closely associated with her over a long period of time.Prof.Mattoo recollectedhow motivation from her parents and later her in laws family encouraged her achieve success and reach to the pinnacles of her career. She inspired the audience by sharing that in spite of the lows and highs of the life she continued with same zeal of commitment towards her work. She enthusiastically provided information about her work and family and said even though her priorities were family still she did not stop from cultivating her interests in her life such as organizing and directing plays and dramas , and passion for writing. This rejuvenated her at workplace as well as at home. She gave an important message to the teachers and young pupils present that a teacher’s foremost role is to embolden its students to face adversities in life and encouraged them to speak up and break their silence on different issues in life.
Dr.Renu Gupta vice chairperson MIER expressed her gratitude towards the worthy speaker and awarded cash prizes to the team of NukkadNatak as token of love and affection from the College. Students were indeed inspired by the life experiences .The program was conducted by Ms. Priyanka Choudhary student of B.Ed.


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