Model Academy Cadets attend NCC Annual raining Camp at Nagrota


Sports & Allied News
JAMMU, June 20:
A ten-day NCC Annual Training Camp was organized by 1 J&K Naval Unit NCC Srinagar under the command of Lt. Cdr Kapil K Singh, from the 7th to the 16th of June at Nagrota.About 400 cadets from different colleges and schools of J&K participated in the camp. From Model Academy, 5 girls (JW’s) and 9 boys (JD’s) along with NCC officer Ms. Madhu took part in this camp.
During this camp, training was imparted on various activities and subjects related to drill, firing, boat pulling, physical activities, semaphore, rigging, cultural and sports activities.
The commanding officer, Lt. Cdr. Kapil K Singh gave the Presidential address and spoke about the discipline and motto of NCC.
The ADG and DDG of J&K NCC Directorate had meaningful interaction with the NCC cadets during the camp.
The objective of the camp was to inculcate good qualities of leadership, team building, team spirit, cooperation, discipline, character building, and sense of patriotism among the cadets. Lt. Cdr. Kapil K. Singh CO, 1 J&K Naval unit NCC Srinagar awarded various prizes and certificates to the cadets during the closing ceremony of the camp and also congratulated each cadet for their successful participation and endeavor during the camp. The cadets were congratulated by Dr. Adit Gupta Director MIER.


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