Model Academy organises orientation programme for Teachers


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, July, 16
Model Academy living up to its tradition of providing learning opportunitiesfor its teachersorganised a four day Teachers Orientation Programmefrom 9 thto 12 thJuly’19 to equip the teachers withmore teaching skills and pedagogies. 0n the first day, a Computer orientation was organized on specific for the teachers who wanted to professionally develop themselves and keep up to date with the modern technology. The resource person was Mr. Vikas Katal. He effectively guided the teachers on Microsoft Words, Power Point and Factor HR
On the second dayan inspiring workshop was conducted by the Principal, Mr. Pramod Shrivastava on The Teaching Learning Process.According to him, professional development is a never ending process. The aim of the workshop was to improve teaching skills and competencies that are needed to produce outstanding educational results for the students.
He stressed on the need to Know Your Child in order to analyze the bottlenecks and overcome them. The teachers ought to be creative and as well as flexible educators who adapt their pedagogy to meet the needs of the learners, who are of different learning abilities, and ensure that they are prepared for future. The vice-principal,MrJ.K Dhiman gave an impressive orientation to the teachers about the CBSE Remodeled Assessment Scheme 2019. The third day workshop was on a unique concept of Neuro Linguistic Planning. Resource Person was renowned NLP practioner, TEDx Speaker, Author and a National Awardee Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra. He stressed on NLP as being vital for teachers to be able to build a rapport with the students.
According to him good communication and correct body language if practiced by the teachers can lead to calibration of children in the correct frame required for effective learning.


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