The release date of Akhil Akkineni’s third film Mr Majnu has been confirmed. According to the makers, the Venky Atluri directorial will hit screens on January 25.Mr Majnu’s producer BVSN Prasad said, “Except for one song, the entire shooting has been wrapped up and the songs will be revealed one by one very soon. As a Republic Day gift, Mr Majnu will hit the screens worldwide on January 25.”Akhil Akkineni took to Twitter and wrote, “You asked for a January release and I couldn’t say no. My first January release, can’t wait to kick start the new year with a bang! Love to you all.”The romantic drama also stars Nidhhi Agerwal, Nagababu, Priyadarshi, Jayaprakash and Hyper Adi. Thaman is scoring the music and George C Williams is the cinematographer for Mr Majnu.Director Venky Atluri also posted on Twitter, “Can’t wait to introduce you to our Mr Majnu on Jan 25th, 2019.”