Bollywood’s iconic Kapoor family celebrated Raj Kapoor’s 100th birth anniversary with a grand film festival. The entire family came together for the mega event’s opening on December 13, a rare and cherished sight. However, it was Alia Bhatt who truly stole the show in a graceful white saree. Later, Alia shared stunning pictures of her look on Instagram, leaving fans in awe. Alia Bhatt donned a white Sabyasachi saree adorned with multicoloured floral and leafy patterns. Embracing her signature minimalist style, she paired the saree with a delicate pearl choker. She completed her look with dewy makeup and soft waves cascading down her shoulders. Alia later shared a series of photos in the stunning drape on Instagram and captioned it with, “Mud mud ke na dekh,” from Raj Kapoor’s classic Awara.As soon as Alia Bhatt shared the pictures, her comments section lit up with admiration. Her sister, Shaheen Bhatt, gushed, “Beyond,” highlighting how stunning she looked. Samiksha Pednekar chimed in with “Stunning,” while Rhea Kapoor added, “Lovely,” applauding Alia’s effortlessly elegant look. It wasn’t just Alia’s colleagues and friends who were in awe; her fans were equally mesmerised by her look. One admirer wrote, “Beauty.” Another fan expressed their admiration, saying, “I think I just fell in love.”