Naidu calls for making India leading centre of knowledge


New Delhi, Nov 11 :
Vice-President M Venkaiah Naidu on Monday called for revamping the entire education system from pedagogy to research to make India a leading centre of knowledge and innovation.
Pointing out that India was once known as Vishwaguru with the world’s best centres of learning, the Vice- President called for making India a global hub of knowledge and innovation.
‘The time has come for India to once again emerge as a global hub of learning. For this to happen, our universities and institutions of higher learning have to reorient their methods of teaching and focus more sharply on research,’ he said while delivering the 3rd Annual Convocation of the Jawaharlal Nehru University here.
He urged universities and institutions of higher learning to completely reorient their methods of teaching, and wanted JNU and other universities in India to figure among the top-ranking global institutions.
He observed that the Indian civilisation always laid emphasis on a holistic integrated vision of education.
Urging universities like JNU to build on the country’s strengths and raise the bar, he said all-round excellence and the ability to lead the global agendas must be the aim.
The Vice-President wanted the institutions of higher learning to learn from the best institutions in the world and adapt the best practices, saying, ‘We have, as a civilisation, been one of the most receptive societies that has welcomed good ideas from across the world’.


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