Nam related to Param Purush is a hidden one


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Jan 20,
On the eve of Poornima, his holiness, Sh. Madhu Param Hans ji Maharaj, the spiritual head of the Sahib Bandgi panth, said during the course of satsang at Ranjri that it is not easy to come to the fold of Sadguru Bhakti. This is because of the fact that it is a rare kind of worship that is altogether different from the other prevalent modes of worship. You will find it difficult to associate your relatives, friends & others with it. It is not easy to understand it. This is because all those who came to the universe remained engrossed in the worship of Niranjan. None could understand the worship related to Param Purush. All our ancestors were very respectable & great. But all of them talked of Niranjan alone. None could know what lay beyond. All the religions of the universe are talking of Niranjan alone.
No religious scripture is bad. There are two main aims related to these religious scriptures. These are- the life style & the God related element. Every scripture, at first, teaches the way of living. It throws light on sin & merit & the way one should lead one’s life. Secondly, it throws light on all that is related to God.
There are one lakh Shalokas in the Vedas. Out of these 80,000 are related to rites & rituals alone. These tell us about sin, merit & other such like things. Only 4000 Shlokas are related to the attainment of God. That is to say, the religion, at first, teaches us about the way one should behave & lead one’s life. The attainment of God comes afterwards. Our ancestors didn’t indulge in sinful acts. They were afraid of sins. But today, man doesn’t feel afraid of these sinful acts. The people seem to be engrossed in worship but no practical change in the behaviour of the people is to be seen. It means, we have moved away from the first aim as well.
Then the Vedas are talking about the Nirakar (formless). Bible as well is talking of the formless God. Islam also talks about the Bechoona-God (formless).
Take Nirakar as Niranjan & the Nam related to Param Purush as a hidden one.
Two kinds of worship-Sagun & Nirgun- are to be found everywhere. Both of these talk about the performance of noble deeds. Significance of the acts of charity is also to be found in them. The gurus are usually family holders. They ask the devotees to perform pilgrimage of the four Dhams, do acts of charity & merit & to attain the heaven & other kinds of Lokas. They don’t show any path to attain God. Unlike the Sagun worshippers, the Nirgun worshippers take God as formless. Some say Sahib Kabir as well was the worshipper of Nirakar. This is not true. The Nirgun worship centres around the five postures whereas the Satya Bhakti revolves arount the Satguru.


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