Natrang presents Hindi Adaptation of Chekhov’s “Nincompoop” in Sunday Theatre Series


Jammu, oct 13:
Natrang presented a well-designed performance of “Reed-Rahit”, a play based on Russian writer Anton Chekhov’s “Nincompoop” adapted in Hindi by Satyendra Sharat here today at its Studio Theatre in Sunday Theatre Series. The play was directed by Neeraj Kant. The play is an inspiration for all those who do not have courage to stand for their rights.
The play opens in the house of one landlord who wanted to settle down his account with Mohan, the instructor of his children who also works as domestic help, he has not been paid the salary for the last two months. In the play the Landlord tries to teach a lesson of self-respect and dignity of labor to Mohan.
In this context, he created a drama in reality and he started debating on the amount to be paid to Mohan, he tells him that he has to pay him Rs.1,100/- only, after ridiculously forged deductions, against the expected and promised amount of Rs.8,000/-. Very gullible by the nature, Mohan just sits there, without saying a word in support of his genuine payment he accepts the money with gratitude. Aggravated by such kind of nincompoop/spine less behavior of Mohan, landlord bursts into an indignant rage and tells him that he should speak up for his rights and shall not allow anyone to exploit him, if we remain silent, no one will come to our support, thus we have to speak boldly and fight righteously for our rights. At the end, the landlord pays him Rs.8,000/-, putting an end to his human experiment in humiliation. Thus, a lesson was given to all those who are too submissive to stand for themselves and allow other to take benefit of the same.
Natrang actors who acted in the play included Aadesh Dhar, Mihir Gujral and Vandana Thakur. Lights and music of the play were operated by Neeraj Kant. Brijesh Avatar Sharma presented the show before the audience and the show was coordinated by Mohd. Yaseen.


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