NCC Inaugural Ceremony held at Dogra Law College


Shadow Correspondent
SAMBA, Apr, 29
A National Cadet Corps wing was inaugurated today in Dogra Law College. The impressive inaugural ceremony was presided over by Th. Gulchain Singh Charak, Former Minister and Chairman Dogra Educational Trust. The College strongly believes in developing character initative, commnadership, discipline, leadership, secular outlook and selfless service amongst its students and the units is setup to advance these ideals. The Unit was inaugurated by Col. Dharmendra Pandey Commanding Officer, J&K Armed Squadron NCC. The programme started with the traditional lighting of lamp and evoking the blessings of almighty. Col. Dharmendra Pandey in his address motivated the students to join NCC and serve the Nation. He told the students about the benefit of joining NCC, as through this they can join the armed forces.
He enthusiastically encouraged the students to follow the noble values of discipine and unity in their everyday lives and contribute towards Nation building.
He also lauded the noble efforts of the College management for opening NCC wing and providing the students with an opportunity to join NCC. He explained about the different aspects of NCC to the students through power point presentation. A question – answer session was also held and Col Pandey very conincingly answered all the queries of the students. Th. Gulchain Singh Chark, in his presidential address thanked Col. Dharmendera Pandey for the setting up of NCC unit at the College.
He also encouraged the students to join NCC and prove to be responsible citizen of the Country. He said that the corps is engaged in the character building of the student community, as a National investment for the future. Earlier Prof. V.P Magotra welcomed the dignitaries and made the students familiar to the event. Kr. SamarDev Singh Charak, Secretary Dogra Educational Trust, Col.(Dr) K.N Padha Director, Admn& Cd Dogra Educational Trust, and Ms Bela Thakur, Principal, Dogra Degree College were present during the function. The votes of thanks was proposed by Col.(Dr) K.N Padha Director, Admn &Cd Dogra Educational Trust.
Students from different semesters were present during the ceremony. After the inaugural ceremony students were happy and enthusiastic to join the Corps. The function was very efficiently anchored by Ms Divya Charak of the College.


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