NDF organizes capacity building workshop for children


Jammu, Dec 24:
Chairman, Selection-Cum-Oversight Committee Justice (retd) Hasnain Masoodi today interacted withchildren drawn from children groups of ten villages during one day capacity building workshop organized, here today. The workshop was organized by National Development Foundation (NDF) in collaboration with Directorate of ICPS J&K with the funding support of the European Union. Around 120 children from children groups of ten villages of Jammu district participated in the workshop. Rajiv Khajuria, Founder Emeritus National Development Foundation / Member Selection cum oversight committee and NehaGandotra, Chief Operating Officer National Development Foundation were the main resource persons. During the day-long session, the members of children groups were trained on Child rights, child protection, child protection legislations, J&K Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2013, Child & Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and regulation) Amendment Act 2016, J&K Protection of Children from sexual violence Ordinance 2018, ICPS and role of its functionaries. A group exercise was also conducted for understanding role and responsibilities of children groups. Child Protection issues prevalent in 10 villages were also listed during an interactive session followed by development of action plans. Justice Masoodithre light on child rights, sensitized them on cyber bullying and digital exploitation of the children and gave tips on how to remain vigilant and not fall prey to such activities. He also quoted various examples from his childhood to convince children that rights to children are universal and non-alienable. State Mission Director ICPS J&K, G.A. Sofi also sensitized children on various aspects of Juvenile Justice Act and Integrated Child Protection Scheme. He reiterated the commitment of State Government in ensuring right to happy childhood to all children of the state as enshrined in Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir and Constitution of India.


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