Nia Sharma never fails to impress her fans with her flawless fashion sense. She frequently shares stunning photos and videos on her social media, which quickly go viral. Currently vacationing in Dubai, Nia posted a series of sizzling photos, and her fans have been showering her with praise in the comments. Nia Sharma took to Instagram to share photos where she is seen flaunting her figure in a green gown, offering a view of the Dubai lights from the Burj Khalifa. Her caption read, “Every song I’d listen to back in the day makes sense today…” Fans flooded the comment section, calling her hot, with one fan writing, “Wow, what a view! This pic is so cool.”Known for her bold fashion choices, Nia Sharma recently grabbed the internet’s attention with her striking all-black ensemble. On Tuesday, she was spotted outside Gigi restaurant in Mumbai, seemingly for a friends’ gathering. Before entering, Nia engaged in a playful banter with the paparazzi stationed outside the venue. Recently, Nia Sharma was spotted at a restaurant to attend Anita Hassanandani’s launch event for her clothing brand, Noa.Nia Sharma recently made headlines after reports claimed she would be the first contestant on Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss 18. However, the Naagin actress took to Instagram to deny the rumors, calling it a publicity stunt. In an interview with Pinkvilla, she explained, “I was told at the very last minute. She was joined by several other celebrities, including Krystle D’Souza, Natasha Stankovic, Divyanka Tripathi, Mahira Sharma, Sumbul Touqeer, Kishwer Merchant, Asha Negi, Aditi Bhatia, and others.Nia Sharma was last seen on the cooking show Laughter Chefs, alongside several other celebrities such as Bharti Singh, Krushna Abhishek, Sudesh Lahiri, Karan Kundrra, Ankita Lokhande, and Vicky Jain, among others.