Note identifying app for visually impaired people to be offline: RBI


New Delhi : The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on September 6 told the Bombay High Court that an internet connection would not be required for its proposed mobile application which would help visually impaired people identify currency notes. RBI counsel Venkatesh Dhond told a division bench of Chief Justice Pradeep Nandrajog and Justice Bharati Dangre that a Beta version of the app would be released on November 1.”After receiving feedback from the concerned parties, a final version of the app would be released. The app would not require an internet connection,” Dhond said. Referring to the communication restrictions in Kashmir, the court had on Thursday sought to know how the RBI’s proposed app would help the visually impaired people to identify the currency notes in such situations.The court was hearing a petition filed by the National Association of the Blind (NAB), claiming new currency notes and coins issued by the central bank posed difficulty for the visually impaired people in terms of identifying and distinguishing them.


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