NPP holds special Christmas Session at Jammu


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Dec 25:
A special Panthers Party Christmas meeting was held at Jammu which expressed international greetings to all the people of the world praying for world peace. The meeting specially made a mention of Jerusalem, birthplace of Jesus Christ, Bethlehem has been decorated as great memorial Church which was visited by Prof.Bhim Singh several times.
Working Committee of J&K National Panthers Party in resolution called on the United Nations to make a declaration on this day asking all the countries to follow total disarmament formula so that the world lives in peace with the message of Jesus Christ that he left when he was crucified more than 2000 years ago by the Roman Rulers defied by Jesus Christ who believed in peace, human dignity and human love. Christ faced crucifixion with a message from the altar, “Forgive them my Lord they know not what they do.”NPP Supremo said that this message should be conveyed with conviction by the United Nations.
Panthers Party Working Committee also hoped that peace shall return in J&K and the people of J&K shall be given justice and equity not jails and bullets. Panthers Party also hoped that the people of the three regions of the state namely, Ladakh, Kashmir region and Jammu Pradesh shall get justice, equity and peace shall return to the entire state of J&K.
The Panthers Party in a resolution urged Governor of J&K, Shri Satya Pal Malik to appoint Delimitation Commission for the delimitation of the Assembly constituencies as well as for the boundaries of Lok Sabha seats. No delimitation was held for the Assembly constituencies since 1995. No delimitation was held even for the Lok Sabha seats in spite of the judgement of the Supreme Court in a Panthers Party Writ Petition the Governor was directed to hold delimitation as it is being carried throughout the length and breadth of the country. The State Govt. have violated the order of the Supreme Court and did not implement Supreme Court Order to hold delimitation of the Assembly constituencies. Prof.Bhim Singh said that Governor of J&K, Shri Satya Pal Malik should hold a meeting with the legal advisors on the issue before holding Assembly elections in J&K.
Those who participated in the special Working Committee meeting included Chairman, Mr. Harsh Dev Singh, State President, Mr. Balwant Singh Mankotia, Advisor-JKNPP, Bansi Lal Sharma, Adv., Vice-Presidents, Mr. Masood Andrabi, Mr. P.K. Ganjoo and General Secretares, Ms. Anita Thakur, Mrs. Manju Singh, Mr. Yashpal Kundal, Ex-MLA, Mr. Bisharat and several district presidents and working committee members including Mr. Shanker Singh Chib, District President-Poonch, Mr. Ashfaq Rana, Provincial Secretary Mr. Naresh Chib, State Secretary Mr. Shiv Charan Singh Samyal and others.


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