NSF holds meeting, fights for the unemployed youth


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Mar, 15
The National Secular Forum organized meeting for activists at samba. Large number of activists attended the meeting and discuses the various issues related to the youth. NSF noticed that there are lots of problems that are being faced by the youth and nothing has been done so far to improve the conditions.
Addressing the meeting here today, Dr.Vikas Sharma state President National Secular Forum (NSF) said that the Forum is a non political, non religious and non Governmental organization which is working for the poor and weaker sections of a society in general and youth community in particular.
Dr.Vikas Sharma said that the CUJ administration was ignoring the youth of Jammu region in jobs and jobs are being awarded to non-Jammuties thereby the CUJ, V-C was playing with the emotions and sentiments of Jammuties. Dr. Vikas Sharma also said the varsity has become a rehabilitation center for retired and corrupt officials. “The varsity administration has violated the norms by recruiting the retired teachers and other staff members. As per the Central University Statutes, the serving officials should not be above 65 years but the administration has recruited some teachers who are above 65years,” he said.
He also said that Chancellor is hardly concerned with problems of the university and the Chancellor is least bothered to initiate action against the VC CUJ. He is shielding the VC, reasons best known to him,” alleged he.
Condemning the unethical move of the government to allow opening of wine shops within 100 meters distance from religious and educational places, Dr. Vikas said that on the one hand the Modi government is making thrust in the education sector and improving the lot of students as also maintaining amity and harmony amongst different communities in the state and on the other hand, the administration of the state under President rule is giving thrust to increase the number of wine takers encouraging their intoxication habits by way of fumbling with the earlier fixed parameters for opening wine shops within 300 meters.
Dr. Vikas appealed the Governor to come out of intoxication of deep slumber and take immediate steps to reverse the orders or any proposal under consideration of his government for reducing the distance of 300 meters to 100 meters for opening of new wine shops within the vicinity of religious places and educational institutions.
He also warned the state government that any laxity or dilly dally to take appropriate action immediately in the matter shall pave way to launch agitation by National Secular Forum, which is a strong statewide organization of students.
Among those who were spoken on the occasion included, Rahul Sharma, Sameer Gupta, Abhishek Sharma and others.


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