NSUI Organises meeting at Kishtwar with Unemployed youths; Submits memorandum to Administration


Shadow Correspondent
The National Students’ Union of India (NSUI) unit Kishtwar, today held a meeting at Kishtwar regarding the absorption of unemployed youth in newly opened hydroelectric project in Kishtwar, The meeting was organized by Prakash Singh Dadwal District President NSUI unit Kishtwar, and Thakur Sharvan Badayal, National Coordinator NSUI, Sanjay Singh Thakur Senior NSUI Leader, Jatinder Kumar representative of unemployed Engineers of District Kishtwar were the special invitee. The meeting was attended by skilled/unskilled experienced and fresher aspirants of employment of District Kishtwar regarding the recruitment of manpower in hydroelectric power projects for smooth working without creating any hindrance, lawlessness and chaos, and got an outcome with effective suggestions. In the meeting it was discussed that firstly, preference in recruitment for Administrative, Skilled/Unskilled posts should be given to the aspirants belonging from district Kishtwar on company rolls. Secondly, the criteria for recruitment should be on merit basis and interview, i.e. the net credit of aspirant should be given to the candidate as, by considering 70% credit to merit and 30% credit to interview. So, that it restrict the backdoor entry, partiality and reference influence.
Thirdly, for transparency in recruitment process, make an online official web portal where each and every detail is transparently available included short-listed candidates, requirement of staff, and other notifications pertaining to recruitment need. As Kishtwar District is connected with far-flung areas, so at least 15 days should be given for filling form and the form-filling should be online thus focusing on Digital India initiative. Fourthly, recruitment should not be on third party rollsbecause of insecure employability.
Fifthly, there is a crisis of employability in J&K state, and when aspirants approach outside the state in other companies for seeking job, firstly, they were opposed by local aspirants and secondly they were rejected for being as fresher, thus how they get experienced in a specialized field.
Now, the companies who are working in home district Kishtwar, if seeks experience, then what can they (aspirants) do? Therefore, almost six fresher must be attached to one experienced person of a specific field so that the fresher may improve their skills and may get employability throughout his life in a broader spectrum not only in India but also in abroad.
Also preferable aim of the Power Project should be to tackle with un-employability of district Kishtwar, rather than to focus on company profit. As the government is focusing especially on J&K youth for making them skilled so that they can uplift themselves, by granting thousands of crores in students favor, which includes free technical education through Prime Minister Special Scholarship scheme (PMSSS) PMKVY program, DDU program, Udaan, PMKK etc. Sixthly, Influence of political/union leaders should be ignored; as they may influence transparent recruitment process for their political gain.
Seventhly, Company should be barred for distribution of work on contract to third parties, so that the workmen should not get exploited under such contractors.
Dadwal appealed “From decades to decades, people have many expectations from these power projects, dreams has been built through delivering promises by governments to governments, politicians by politicians, that when the work of these projects gets executed, the problem of unemployment get eroded from Kishtwar. But it is well known proverb that “Clear rejection is better than false promise” because false promises built dreams and that hurts much more then Clear rejection. So if you consider the above suggestions on priority bases, it will not only prove healthy for companies but also for aspirants and administration.”
Later, the members of NSUI submitted the “Memorandum” regarding the suggestions received through discussion in meeting to District Administration including Addl.Dy.Commissioner Kishtwar Sh Kishori Laland S.S.P kishtwar Sh. Abrar Ahmed Chaudhary and and also a copy of memorandum is submitted to Jai Singh officer HR Afcon Company Kishtwar. , Mohd Akram NSUI President Polytechnic College Kishtwar, Choudhary Saleem Zahoor, Anoop Singh, Bhanu Partap Singh Shan, Jamun Thakur, Umar Farooq, Yasir Amin, Shaheen Iqbal, Nazir Ahmed, Sourav Shan, Bashir Ahmed, Mohd Saleem, Laquet Ali, Sohil Iqbal, Zahoor Ahmed, Karan Singh and others were present in the meeting.


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