On World Earth Day, celebrities talk about how they contribute towards a better future of the blue planet


Small steps
Varsha Hegde
I really don’t like using plastic bags. Instead, I opt for cloth bags whenever I go shopping. Plus, I’ve found a great way to handle kitchen waste — I use it as fertiliser for plants. This helps us avoid harmful pesticides and gives the plants valuable nutrients.
Kitchen waste
Simple Kaul
There’s a lot of gratitude that I have for Mother Earth. Recycling water is a great idea . We should not be wasting too much water and rather conserve it. I don’t use plastic bags as well.
Ban plastic
Anupama Solanki
I have five-six used phones that are not working and am going to recycle them. In our housing society, wet and dry waste is collected separately, which is a good idea. However, plastic is a problem. I think the government should ban plastic and create some other options, so we can keep the environment safe. Also, I always try to use less electricity.
Plant a future
Gulfam Khan Husaain
I love plants, I propagate them and if I find a plant someone has discarded because it has wilted, I get it home and try to revive it. I feel if you consume oxygen, you need to learn ways to conserve and help create more of it. I’m very conscious about wet and dry garbage segregation, avoid plastic bags as much as I can and recycle too. It’s also important to use food waste as fertiliser by making compost out of it. Being a plant lover is not sufficient; you need to propagate in society and teach children.
Education is the key
Manjari Mishra
On a daily basis, I focus on conserving water by using recycled water whenever possible. I separate wet and dry garbage for proper disposal. I also make sure to avoid single-use plastic bags and containers, while opting for reusable alternatives. Additionally, I keep plants at home to improve indoor air quality and contribute to a greener environment. To further preserve Mother Earth, I believe promoting renewable energy sources, reducing carbon emissions and advocating for sustainable practices in industries are crucial steps. Education and awareness about environmental issues are also essential.
Eco-friendly approach
Megha Sharma
I don’t use plastic at all. Even if I have a party at my place, I use disposable cups and plates, which are eco-friendly. You get garbage bags that are for wet and dry waste. I keep doing certain things. Anything that is easily disposable, I plant it. While grocery shopping, I use only my cloth bag. Also, I believe there should be a total ban on plastic items. We should rather use bamboo bags.


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