Open to addressing US security concerns : Huawei


San Francisco, May 17 : Facing a ban on doing business with American suppliers, Chinese telecom giant Huawei has said that it is still open to addressing US security concerns.
US President Donald Trump this week moved to ban American telecom firms from installing foreign-made equipment that could pose a threat to national security amid US-China trade war. And in a clear strike against Huawei, the Commerce Department separately announced on Wednesday that it had placed Huawei and its dozens of affiliates on a list of firms deemed a risk to national security. While Huawei has asserted that the decision by the Trump administration to put restrictions on its activities in the US will only harm the interests of American companies and consumers, the company’s US Chief Security Officer Andy Purdy told Yahoo Finance the company remained open to addressing the US security concerns.
“We hope that we will be given the opportunity to talk to the US government about what kinds of risk-mitigation measures that can be put in place that will make America safer and allow us to do business and maintain the jobs of our customers,” Purdy was quoted as saying.
Huawei relies on American suppliers such as Qualcomm, Intel and Oracle for semiconductors and software and restrictions on buying from them could result in product delays for telecommunications equipment more widely used in regions such as Europe, the report said.
Purdy, however, asserted that the American restrictions won’t impact its global footprint. “We will be able to maintain our operations globally,” Purdy was quoted as saying.
“Whether we can do it in exactly the same way, I can’t assure that.”


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