Outreach programme organized at adopted village


Shadow Correspondent
An awareness program was organized by the Extension Activity Unit of MIER College of Education at Bhatyari village, near Bishnah, Jammu.The theme of the program was “Child Malnutrition”. A group of about 20 student members of Extension Unit along with the Incharge Mrs.Suman Devi visited the village.
During the interaction with the local people of the village, the teacher trainees explained that a balanced diet is one that gives our body the nutrients it need to function correctly. In order to get the proper nutrition from the diet, we need to include-fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and lean proteins. The team further highlighted that malnutrition is a condition that results from eating a diet in which nutrients are below the recommended measures causing health problems and inadequate growth and development in children. The unit incharge also deliberated on “Low cost nutrition foods” – which they can include in their healthy meal plan. Students also displayed charts, slogans and pictures showcasing different low cost nutrition food. Group counseling of the villagers was also done by the members of the unit. Some children were found undernourished by the health officer of the college who had accompanied the team.
The villagers were cautioned not to discriminate between their children on the basis of gender in providing healthy diet.
Dr. Renu Gupta, Vice Chairperson, MIER appreciated the efforts of the unit for spreading awareness among the villagers regarding balanced diet and healthy living.


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