People of Ekta Vihar warned of closing the highway if the problem is not solved


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, JULY 23:
All the people of Jammu division are in trouble due to the power cuts, but the thousands of families who get electricity from Seodaya, Bandurakh receiving station are in more trouble. In fact, due to the blockage of the drainage passing near the receiving station, the receiving station gets flooded during the rains, after which as a precaution, the power supply has to be stopped until the water level subsides. Regarding this problem, a delegation of Ekta Vihar, Ward 56 of Gangyal, met the senior officers of Sub Transmission Division 2 located at Panama Chowk on Tuesday and demanded a solution of the problem. Social workers Suman Preet Singh and Sanjay Sharma, who were leading the delegation, said that the supply comes to Seodaya Bandurakh receiving station from Bishnah grid located 15 kilometers away.
Firstly, due to such a long line, the power goes off even if there is a slight wind and secondly, whenever it rains, the power goes off due to water entering this receiving station.
He said that today our delegation visited different wings of the department. We have met the senior officers of the PDD and made them aware of both our problems. If our problems will not resolve in the coming days, we will be forced to close the highway and protest and the electricity department will be responsible for it. People said that the electricity department had said that after the smart meters were installed, we will get electricity for 24 hours, but since the smart meters have been installed, we are getting electricity bills in thousands and there is no idea when the electricity comes and when it goes. They said that when there was rained previous night, the power cut off for hours due to water entering the receiving station.
They said that this problem occurs every time during the rains, but the department washes its hands off by doing the formalities. But now our patience has run out. The delegation included Sikandar Salaria, Raman Preet Singh, Sanjay Kumar, Darshan Kumar, Sudesh Bhatia, Kirpal Singh, Hansraj, Deepak Langeh, Ajit Singh, Sushil Kumar, Gurdeep Singh, Sunny, Rajesh Salaria, Chandan Singh, Anil Kumar, Narayan Das, Jagir Singh, Saurabh Mahajan and Sonu. Many dignitaries were included.


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