Phase-2 Day 4: ‘Back to Village’ programme underway across South Kashmir Visiting officers conduct Gram Sabhas, seek feedback to improve efficacy of dev schemes Secy, GAD conducts Gram Sabha at Ashmuji, inaugurates dev projects


SRINAGAR, JUNE 23: Continuing with  the ‘Back to village’ outreach programme, designated visiting officers today conducted Gram Sabhas, interaction programmes and awareness camps across South Kashmir districts during which people were informed about various welfare schemes and their feedback was sought to improve public services delivery mechanism.

IN SHOPIAN, 33 Panchayat Halqas were covered on the second day of the phase-II during which people raised various issues being confronted by them.

Deputy Commissioner Dr Owais Ahmed has been monitoring the programme with several other senior officers to assess its implementation on the ground.

On the second day of Phase-II, several Panchayat halqas falling under different blocks were covered by the visiting Officers during which scores of Gram Sabhas were held.

During these interactions, feedback regarding bad roads, health and hygiene, sanitation, drinking water facilities were raised by the people. People were also educated about the centrally and state run schemes and how their effective implementation can bring about turn-around for the several backward villages of the district.

IN KULGAM, on day 4 of the programme 67 Panchayat halqas were covered during which feedback of people was sought on many developmental issues to transform the socio-economic profile of rural areas.

Secretary GAD, Dr Farooq Ahmad Lone, conducted various interactions and Gram Sabhas wherein people raised issues regarding health and hygiene, sanitation, roads and water supply, and electricity etc. He also inaugurated several link road projects in the Ashmuji area of the district.

At Ashmuji-A halqa, Director Sericulture, Riyaz Ahmad, inaugurated Mela in which several Departments including Agriculture, Horticulture displayed their products. The officials interacted with the farmers, growers, urging them to avail benfits of the government run schemes.

Other visiting officials also held  Gram Sabhas and informed people about the centrally sponsored and state-run schemes for the welfare of the general public.

The programme was held in several Panchayat Halqas of Khull A, Bangward B, Lasipora, Chowgam A, Chowgam B, Chaki Badwani, Khargund, Gundipora, Devsar, Adigam , Cheyan, Bhan, Srandoo, Danow, Ashmuji A, Ashmuji B,  Balsoo, Razloo, Wanipora, Uril, Kraloo, Kaladrang, Nowbal, Shirpora, KB Pora A, KB Pora B, KB Pora C, Koril, Avil, Mattilbugh, Parigam, Turigam, Hanjan, besides other villages.

Pertinently, Deputy Commissioner Dr Shamim Ahmad Wani is himself monitoring the programme with several other senior officials.

IN PULWAMA, a lot of enthusiasm was witnessed on the fourth day of the ambitious outreach programme during which designated officers interacted with locals at their respective assigned halqas and listened to their issues and grievances.

At Inder village, a sports stadium was inaugurated by Rural Development Department.  Whereas, in Kareemabad village a public park was inaugurated besides a road to Bongam Mohalla was dedicated to the people.

Similarly, in Wagum village job cards under MGREGA were distributed among the beneficiaries.

The designated officers along with line officers of different Departments also had physical inspection of works and sites for different works in Kachkhoot, Chursoo, Hari, Kaigam, Diver, Qazigund, Kuchmulla, Okh, Kakapora(B), Gundipora, Pinglish and other areas.

During the interactions, locals projected issues regarding implementation of PM Fasal Bima Yojana, old-age pension, PM Jan Aarogya Yojana, drinking water, repair of damaged roads, augmentation of PDD infrastructure, and execution of languishing projects.

In Anantnag, various activities were carried out under the weeklong programme in 60 halqas of Achabal, Shangus and Chittergul blocks of the district.

Deputy Commissioner Khalid Jahangir, who is supervising the programme implementation in the district, visited Brakapora, Bulbul Nowgam and Akingam Halqas and interacted with the people.

He also witnessed a volleyball match at Brakapora and assured all help for the promotion of sports culture and nurture of sports talent in the district.

Meanwhile, in all the three blocks covered under the ambitious outreach programme today, various demands with regard to road connectivity, power, water, healthcare, education, banking facilities and proper implementation of centrally sponsored and sate sponsored scheme were raised in the Gram Sabhas convened by the Visiting Officers.

The officers heard the projected issues with keen interest and explained them various developmental programmes and schemes initiated by the government for the overall development of rural areas.

Other activities of the day include conduct of Gram Sabhas for both men and women, constitution of Social Audit Committees by the concerned Gram Panchayats, distribution of certificates, distribution of job cards, filing of applications forms for various schemes, Shramdhan cleanliness drives and other related activities.


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