PHE ITI Trained CP workers and Land Donors Association holds protest rally


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Oct 02 :
All J&K PHE ITI Trained CP workers and Land Donors Association held massive protest rally at press club jammu for pending wages. The protest was led by Tanveer Hussain State President All J&K PHE ITI Trained CP Workers and Land Donors Association president Tanveer Hussain said Chief Engineer PHE association given by the association10 of Oct if our demands are not considered before 10 of Oct the Assocation has launch another stagey. The protest rally was attended by various dist presidents and general secretaries along with of daily wagers from carious divisions of District After the rally leadership of association addressing the daily wagers are strugging very hard to meet their both ends. He said government failed to keep their promise of releasing salary on EID of Raksha Bandan because of which we are left with no other option then to go on Kaam Chodo Hartall. He said that they have given so many ultimatums to government but nothing has been done for them. He said that everyone need wages to do work, we and our families are starving but department has no seriousness towards out issues. He said that now when we are left with no option other than Kaam Chodo Hartal our department and government will be completely responsible for this.
He said that government should should immediately release will the pending wages of the daily wagers without any delay. He said that during announcement of SRO it was assured that proper wages head will be formed and daily wagers will get regular salaries without any delay but it was just eye wash of government and we are suffering a lot.
He demanded government should keep their promise and should release will salaries and we announce clearly that there will be no compromise by association on pending salaries and our strike will continue until all pending wages are released.


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