PK holds meeting, demands Homeland


Shadow Correspondent
Panun Kashmir(PK) organised a meeting of its reconstituted unit of Delhi NCR at Pamposh Enclave in New Delhi here on Monday . The meeting was presided over by Utpal Kaul, Senior Leader, Panun Kashmir. The President of Panun Kashmir, who is currently on an organisational tour of five states (Maharashtra, Gujarat, Delhi ,Haryana and UP), attended the meeting as the special guest on the occasion. Besides others who attended the meeting included Upinder Kaul, General Secretary, Dr.Nidhi Tikoo Mitra, Chairperson-DOPK, Chushool Mahaldar, Vimla Chrungoo, Secretary-DOPK, Dr.Rajat Mitra, Sushma Dutta Kalla and Pulkit. The meeting was dedicated to the cherished memory of Pt. Amarnath Vaishnavi, the great leader of the Kashmiri Pandit community. The meeting paid rich tributes to Pt. VaishnaviJi and all the members stood in silence for two minutes to pay their obeisance to the departed leader.
On the occasion, Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, President-PK made an announcement about the responsibilities of the following office bearers are as RajinderKaul , Delhi NCR Coordinator ,Ankur Raina Delhi, NCR Secretary ,Vishal Sharma , Spokesman Dr. Upinder Sarup , Advisor Kiran Kalla ,PK Overseas Coordinator It was decided in the meeting to fully support the efforts for a joint programme on Kashmiri Pandit Balidan Divas at Delhi NCR, besides contributing to the Black Day Joint protest programme at Delhi. Panun Kashmir Delhi NCR unit will also be organising a programme “J&K Vilay Divas” at New Delhi in October 2018.
Thse Delhi NCR unit forwarded unanimously some recommendations to the Executive Council of Panun Kashmir for consideration. Utpal Kaul, Sr. leader in his speech emphasized the need for taking up projects that can bring a positive change and betterment in the situation in which the exiled community is presently living. He said that there can be no compromise on the issue of mitigating the sufferings of a larger section of the community which could not coup-up with the circumstances till date. Panun Kashmir will be making efforts to organise the down-to-earth programmes to include all sections in the struggle. Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, President-PK in his address said that Panun Kashmir is duty bound to raise issues that have larger bearing on the fate and future of the nationalist forces living in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It is important to have live contact with all those forces that belong to the state and are scattered throughout the country and abroad due to ethnic cleansing and special situation in the state. There can be no denying the fact that the committed activists have over the last three decades brought a number of positive changes in the overall situation by their contributions. But there is a large volume of work left undone. Our primary concern presently is on two important aspects of the situation. One pertains to the political scenario and the other to the humanitarian issue of the community. The urgent recruitment of the PM package employees awaits formal orders. The issue pertaining to the “categories” in the recruitment process needs to be resolved as urgently as possible. With this issue, the one-time compensation settlement of the over-aged youth has also assumed priority.
Next, on the political front, the Article 35A and Article 370 are on the top agenda and their continuance has brought undesired upheavals in the state. Panun Kashmir is eagerly awaiting the Apex Court judgement and the moves of the Government of India in this regard. The struggle for the establishment of Homeland is to be taken to the newer heights in the immediate future. The 2019 election scenario is also to be taken into account while strategizing the next course. The demand of Homeland is the only viable and tenable demand which will take care of the community’s geo-political aspirations in all circumstances. We express our gratitude to the valiant security forces for their bravery and sacrifice which they have exhibited while fighting terrorism in Kashmir. Panun Kashmir fully supports their endeavours that protect the nation from the evil designs of Pakistan, ISI, terrorist regime and the fundamentalist and communal separatist elements.


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