PK observes Black-Day


Shadow Correspondent
In observance of the Kashmiri Pandit Black Day here bon Friday , Panun Kashmir(PK) organised a Genocide & Holocaust Exhibition at Jammu. The Exhibition was followed by a Press Conference addressed by Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, President, Panun Kashmir and Virender Raina, Chairman-Political Affairs Committee. The Executive Council members and the Office bearers of the Daughters of Panun Kashmir also attended the programme. In his address on the occasion, Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo said that the day of 13th July in 1931 represented a big conspiracy against the Hindu community in Kashmir and also against the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir as sponsored at the behest of the British colonial rulers and was spearheaded by the then J&K Muslim conference. Hindus were made the victims of genocidal action, loot, arson and mayhem selectively in the valley. The places like Vicharnag, Maharaj Ganj, Hari Singh High Street, Bohri Kadal and Kanikoot in Budgam were the worst hit areas during the loot and arson. A dozen of Hindus lost lives due to attacks by the Muslim Conference workers and the rioting prisoners of the Srinagar jail.
The conspiracy against the State and the Maharaja coupled with the large scale violence against the Hindu minorities compelled the State forces to use force against the rioters and some of them also lost their life in consequence. Celebrating genocide and riots against the Hindus as the so-called martyrs’ day is a sham and contrary to the principles of human values, human rights and civilizational ethos. Panun Kashmir demands that the celebration of the Black Day as the sham martyrs’ day be discontinued forthwith and the holiday on this day be cancelled. Panun Kashmir expresses its satisfaction and gratitude to the J&K High Court Bar Association-Jammu for observing the day as a working day and also to the State Governor for organizing a high level meeting at the Secretariat in Srinagar today. We are also thankful to the people of Jammu region and Ladakh for responding positively to the call of Panun Kashmir in this connection.


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