Plus-2 Lecturers’ Forum call upon Dy CM, demand time bound promotion/ACP


Shadow Correspondent
A delegation of All J&K Plus-2 Lecturers’ Forum under the presidentship of Deepak Sharma called upon Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister, Sh. Kavinder Gupta and congratulated and felicitated him on assuming charge as New Deputy Chief Minister of J&K State.
The delegation discussed at length the burning issue of non-sanctioning of Running Grade/Time Bound Promotion in favour of Plus-2 Lecturers and submitted a memorandum and apprised that absence of the same has caused worst type of stagnation in the Plus-2 Cadre and has been enjoyed by all the cadres working in pre-revised scale of 8000-13500 except Lecturers. Deepak Sharma apprised the Deputy CM that forum has been struggling since long to achieve the benefit of Running Grade/Time Bound Promotion but same has not been sanctioned inspite of the fact that there was a budgetary provision for the same in the shape of Assured Career Progression Scheme (ACP) for all the Gazetted Cadres including Plus-2 Lecturers. The delegation said that the forum is happy that the Time Bound Promotion has been sanctioned to KAS and KPS officers and Assured Career Progression to Engineers, but at the same time alleged that Govt. has meted out step motherly treatment to Plus-2 Lecturers as only they have been left out and hoped that ACP would soon be accorded to them on the analogy of Gazetted Cadre of Engineers i.e. Three Time Bound Promotions within a span of 20 years of service, though earlier they had applied for three time bound promotion @7,5 and 5 years.
Earlier Deepak Sharma informed the delegation that forum is in constant coordination with their counterparts in Kashmir led by Dr. Manzoor Ahmed to address this genuine issue.
Others who were part of delegation included N.S. Jamwal, Anil Sharma, R.S. Slathia, Sanjay Bhagat and Dr. Ashok.


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