PNBOA holds felicitation function on retirement of V K Dutta


Shadow Correspondent
Triennial conference of PNBOA-J&K and felicitation function on retirement of Comrade V. K Dutta (President) held at Hotel Asia, Jammu.
Function was attended by Central Committee of AIPNBOF members comprising of Com. Krishna Kumar(Gen. Secretary), Com. Rajesh Sharma(President) and their team. Sh. Raman Bhalla(Ex-MLA/ Minister of J&K state) also joined the falicitation function of Com. V. K Dutta. Function was also attended by all the members of PNBOA-J&K unit.
New body of PNBOA – J&K unit was formed and newly elected team as follows Com. V K Dutta(Chief Patron), Com. Vinod Kumar(Chairman), Com. A B Khajuria (President), Com. Ashwani Pradhan (Gen. Secretary) and Com. Prem Bhushan (Treasurer).
The new team has assumed the office with immediate effect. Those who deliberated on the banking scenario and problems being faced by banking staff are Com. Arun Gupta, Com. G S Charak, Com. Babu Hussain Malik & Com. G S Oberoi.


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