POJK DP’S Front stages protest; issues highlighted


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, May, 28
P O J K DP’S front hold a protest rally at press club Jammu under the chairmanship of president capt Yudhvir singh chib. While addressing the gathering, Chib said POJK DP’S struggle since 1947 and have suffered loss of their huge properties which they left in P O J K during the Pak aggression of 1947. After a long struggle , the Hon’ble prime minister of India Sh Narinder Modi sanctioned Rs two thousand crore for disbursement of P O J K refugees but DP’S are still living in penury, he added .
He further said that allotted amount has been distributed to minimum Dp’s families so far. Process of identification is going on at very low pace due to lack of previous documents which are not available with claimants and also in the old record rooms of Jammu and Kashmir government, he added.
Those who were present included JP Sharma ( Gen Secy) , RP Singh, MS Sakndya Devi (president women wing ) ,master Kehar, Hari Singh , Sub Deva Singh , Sub Balwan Singh, Sawaran Singh , Kashmir Singh , Sham Singh , Rani Devi , Tara Singh , Bimla Devi.


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