Pooja Hegde who has an exciting line up of films in her kitty has resulted in the surge of her popularity amongst the millenials. The gorgeous and talented actress who made heads turn in her stint in Saakshayam and eagerly awaiting the release of her next big film, Aravindha Sametha is on a roll these days. Pooja has become the current social media sensation as the Housefull 4 actress has crossed 4 million followers on her Instagram account. The actress’s instagram handle not just gives us sneak peek into the workout routines and behind the scenes footages of the films she works on but also shares with us the stunning magazine cover looks that the actress is a part of. Pooja says, `The love keeps growing and I am honoured and humbled. I’m still so new to this industry and the fact that 4 million people are showering their love in me through social media is touching and encouraging. I think my fun, goofy and forever excited self seems to connect with them somehow. Sending my love back to them.`