POS devices: FCS & CA deptt hosts training for dealers, Staff


Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Jammu Rural-I organized a training cum awareness programme for the staff and fair price shop dealers. The Fair Price Shop Owners were imparted training for efficiently operating the POS Devices to ensure 100% Aadhaar Based transactions. The participants were made aware about the benefits of using POS Devices such as curbing the Black-Marketing, Under-Scaling, Over-Charging and many alike. Tehsil Supply Officers and Store-Keepers were provided the training in implementation of “Supply Chain Management” and e-PDS. Participants were impressed upon to make the rationees aware about the new system where they are required to authenticate their identity through their Aadhaars already seeded with their ration cards. Ration Dealers were advised to obtain the Aadhaar of all those rationees which are pending for seeding. An interactive session was also held where experts clear the doubts raised by the Ratio Dealers related to authentication of Aadhaar and other such issues pertaining to operating POS devices.


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