Powergrid organises lecture competition at Government High School Daini, Samba


Shadow Correspondent
Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd is observing Swachhta Pakhwada across its establishments from 16th May to 31st May 2018. As a part of this observance, a lecture competition was organised at Government High School, Daiani, Samba by POWERGRID’s 400./200 Kv Samba Substation. The topic of the competition was “Cleanliness is life ”
Students of the school enthusiastically participated in this competition. They expressed their views on the topic with conviction.
Hardeep,Alina Akhtar,Geeta Devi and Aastha Singh were Delcared Ist, 2nd, 3rd and consolation winners. Sh. Ramesh Kumar Chief Manager(I/C) Samba Substation along with staff of POWERGRID were present in the function. Headmaster of the school Sh. Mahendra Pal Gupta welcomed POWERGRID and thanked them for taking initiatives in promoting Personal hygine and cleanliness among young buds.
Earlier POWERGRID employees and teachers of the High school jointly carried out cleanliness drive in the school . On this occasion, POWERGRID distributed Dustbins to the school authorities for upkeep of the school.


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