President Droupadi Murmu paid condolences to tabla maestro Ustad Zakir Hussain who died at the age of 73 in a San Francisco hospital on Monday.In a post on her official X account, Murmu recalled conferring Padma Vibhushan upon Zakir Hussain in 2023.”The demise of tabla wizard Ustad Zakir Hussain is a great loss to the world of music. He was known for his extraordinary creativity and inventiveness. He mesmerised generations of music lovers across the world. He was a bridge between the musical traditions of India and the West. I had the privilege of conferring the Padma Vibhushan upon him. I convey my deepest condolences to members of his family and his countless admirers,” she wrote.Prime Minister Narendra Modi, too, mourned the demise of Zakir Hussain. Taking to social media X (formerly Twitter), Modi in a post, described Hussain as a genius who revolutionised Indian classical music, bringing the tabla to global recognition.” Deeply saddened by the passing of the legendary tabla maestro, Ustad Zakir Hussain Ji. He will be remembered as a true genius who revolutionized the world of Indian classical music. He also brought the tabla to the global stage, captivating millions with his unparalleled rhythm. Through this, he seamlessly blended Indian classical traditions with global music, thus becoming an icon of cultural unity,” the post read.The Prime Minister further highlighted that Hussain’s iconic performances and soulful compositions would continue to inspire generations of music lovers and musicians. My heartfelt condolences to his family, friends and the global music community,” the post further read.