Principal GMC takes stock of medical facilities for Covid-19


Jammu, Mar 29 :
Dr. Shashi Sudhan Sharma, Principal, Government Medical College and Associated Hospitals today reviewed medical facilities for Covid-19 patients and conducted on the spot inspection of the dedicated wards and Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
The Principal inspected the medical infrastructure in ward number 3 and 7, Critical Care Unit (CCU), Emergency Neurosurgery ward, Isolation ward and Autoclave section of the hospital. She also inspected the working of the staff in the wards and emphasized on fogging and sanitization in and around the hospital.

During the visit, she also inquired about the availability of necessary equipment and other facilities required for the patient care. She also reviewed the basic facilities provided to patients like drinking water, bathrooms, etc. She directed the concerned authorities to complete the necessary work as soon as possible. Medical Officer Stores was asked to provide details of the ventilators and other equipment issued to the wards.

In view of the resurgence of the Covid-19, she instructed the medical staff to review the staffing and carry out mock exercises for the best possible management of the patients.

The Executive Engineer Electrical was asked to finish the remaining electrical works at the earliest to make the Covid wards fully functional. She also directed for strict disciplinary action against the negligent staff.

During the visit Nagendra Singh Jamwal, Administrator, GMC & AH, Dr. Dara Singh, MS, GMC Jammu, Dr. Rehana, Dy. MS, GMC Jammu, Dr. Bharat Bhushan, Dy. MS, GMC Jammu, Sh. Bodhraj , XEN mechanical and a team of Doctors and nursing staff accompanied the PMC.


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