Actress Priyanka Chopra recently shared a nostalgic tribute on her Instagram, where she posted a delightful gallery of pictures featuring a series of adorable Amul topical advertisements. These ads beautifully trace her journey in Bollywood, bringing back fond memories for her fans.The advertisements shared by Priyanka Chopra were inspired by some of her most iconic Hindi films, including Barfi, Dostana, Don 2, Dil Dhadakne Do, and Mary Kom, as well as her breakout Hollywood series Quantico. Additionally, Amul created a special tribute ad featuring Priyanka Chopra’s stunning appearance at the Met Gala, where she turned heads in a breathtaking brown Ralph Lauren trench coat gown. “Each one of these moments is etched in my memory. #throwback @amul_india,” Priyanka added, tagging Amul in her post. Fans joined in the nostalgia, sharing their own memories of the actress’ iconic roles and moments.