Priyanka Chopra scouting for her next


Priyanka Chopra Jonas is in India right now, and busy promoting The Sky Is Pink. However, a source reveals that in the middle of promotions, the actress is also being flooded with film offers.“Along with the film promotions, Priyanka has been reading plenty of scripts. There are lots of scripts that she had received while she was in the West, and she apparently agreed to meet a few writers whose scripts she had liked,” says the source.Nevertheless, the actress wants to take it slow and pick the best projects before she leaves India. However, her dates are packed because soon after this film she will be seen with actor Rajkummar Rao in The White Tiger. So whatever she takes up next will take a little long.Directed by Shonali Bose, The Sky Is Pink also features Farhan Akhtar and Zaira Wasim.


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