Progress of Covid-19 vaccination drive for 18-44 years reviewed at Gbl


Shadow Correspondent
The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Ganderbal, Krittika Jyotsna today convened a meeting of concerned officers at Conference Hall here to take stock of ongoing Covid-19 vaccination drive for 18-44 years of age across the district.
At the outset, the meeting was informed that Vaccination drive for 18 to 44 years age group is going on in full swing on all 94 vaccination sites established across the district and over 14 percent population between 18-44 years age is vaccinated till date.
While reviewing the progress made on Vaccination drive, the DC exhorted upon all the officers/ officials engaged with Vaccination drive that targets already fixed should be achieved on daily basis.
She further said that Vaccination drive needs to be ramped up and continued on a war footing basis as it is the most effective way of stopping the spread of Covid-19 pandemic and urged all stake holders to work with added zeal and energy.
The DC reiterated that no laxity or leniency on part of officials shall be accepted so far as their engagement with Vaccination is concerned.
She stressed upon all line departments to put in strenuous efforts to ensure maximum mobilization besides involve all stake holders including PRIs, Imams and civil society members for sensitizing and motivating the general public about the benefits of vaccination and adopting covid appropriated behavior by understanding the gravity of the situation.
The DC urged upon all line departments to review strategy and chalk out effective plan regarding achieving cent percent vaccination of the population under 18-44 years age group within the set time frame.
Meanwhile, the DC appealed each and every one to get themselves vaccinated and follow COVID appropriate behaviour including wearing mask, hand hygiene, social distancing and avoiding social gatherings to stay safe from this deadly virus.
Among others, the meeting was attended by ADDC, Muzafer Ahmed Pir, CPO, CMO, GM DIC, Dy CMO, Dy CEO, BMOs and other concerned officials.


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