Ever since Rahul Vaidya has expressed her feelings to Disha Parmar on Bigg Boss 14, fans have been waiting for the couple to announce their wedding date. And now it seems like the couple is teasing the fans as some pictures of Rahul Vaidya and Disha Parmar dressed as newlyweds are going viral on the internet. Well, here is the post that the couple shared on their Instagram handle and wrote, “#newbeginnings #madhanya ” and did not disclose much about the picture.In the pictures, Disha can be seen as a beautiful bride while Rahul Vaidya looks dapper in the sherwani. Fans and people from the entertainment industry have even started pouring ‘congratulations’ comments on their post while some are asking the couple to clear the confusion. People are quite confused as Rahul and Disha were supposed to star in a new music video that is too with a wedding setting. Reportedly, the viral pictures are from the set of their new music video but the couple hasn’t even cleared that out yet to the public. And the reason for these pics supposed to be from the music video is that in a recent interview Disha Parmar has said that the couple has not decided the wedding date yet, due to the COVID-19 pandemic but will soon be getting married.