Rashmika Mandanna, who has been currently shooting in Hyderabad for her much-awaited film Pushpa 2, along with Allu Arjun will be taking some time off her busy schedule to make a quick trip to Mumbai. The reason? To celebrate the humongous success of her recent film Animal, co-starring Ranbir Kapoor, which featured her in the role of his wife Gitanjali in the Sandeep Reddy Vanga directorial.Speaking of the success bash, the entire team of the film will be seen hosting celebrations in Mumbai and it is undoubtedly anticipated to be a star-studded affair. And Rashmika’s presence is expected to add an extra layer of excitement. Rashmika’s role as Gitanjali seems to have made space in the hearts of many and we hear that the actress will also play an integral role in the sequel to the Sandeep Reddy Vanga directorial, titled Animal Park. Meanwhile, talking about Pushpa 2, the film will too see her reprise the character of Srivalli and it will also feature Fahadh Faasil in an integral role along with Allu Arjun as the lead. The film is scheduled for release on August 15 this year.