Recruitment of SPOs be made in a fair and transparent manner: Harsh Dev


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Aug, 04
Pointing towards the PHQ circular relating to filling up of 732 posts of SPOs in Jammu division, Mr. Harsh Dev Singh Chairman-JKNPP and former Minister urged upon the Lt. Governor to ensure transparency in the said recruitment process and to direct the concerned authorities to follow a proper procedure as envisaged under law.
The PHQ order merely calls for filling up of the said vacant posts of SPOs in various Districts of Jammu division before 15th August, 2021 without specifying the criteria and empowering certain officers to provide the select lists before the stipulated date, rued Mr. Singh. The circular suggests that the selections would be made by the said officers as per their own whims and fancies and on the directions of their political bosses without following the due process of law as prescribed for selections to public services and as laid down by the Apex Court of the country. He was addressing a press conference in Jammu today.
Pointing towards several hundreds of SPOs recruited by the BJP-PDP govt during 2016-18 period through backdoor, Mr. Singh said that the present rulers too appeared to be trying to adjust their blue eyed candidates without going through the formal selection process. This shall be resisted tooth and nail and merit shall not be allowed to be subverted. A proper selection process as laid down in a plethora of Judgments by High Court and the Supreme Court needs to be followed by issuing proper advertisement notification and allowing every eligible candidate to compete for the said selections.
Referring to the erstwhile selections of SPOs made on extraneous considerations through backdoor during the coalition rule, Mr. regretted that the Accountability Commission where the said selections had been challenged and accountability fixation sought had been abolished by the BJP govt. He cautioned to agitate the issue before the appropriate court of competent jurisdiction in case the govt persisted with the policy of backdoor appointments.
Mr. Harsh Dev Singh further sought release of honorarium of VDCs who had been divested of the same for the last 4-5 years. He accused the BJP govt of having used the said Village Defense Committee members for their political gains and later abandoned them after ascending the throne of power.
Mr. Gagan Pratap Singh (State Secretary-JKNPP); Mr. Surinder Chouhan (District President Jammu Rural) and Mr. Rashpaul Singh (Office Secretary-JKNPP) were also present in the press conference.


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